What Is Regression Testing and Retesting? Key Insights for 2024

Home What Is Regression Testing and Retesting? Key Insights for 2024
What is Regression Testing and Retesting By: John Abhilash / August 8, 2024

What Is Regression Testing and Retesting? A Comprehensive Guide

In the world of software development, ensuring that changes and updates do not introduce new issues is crucial. Two essential testing practices for achieving this are regression testing and retesting. But exactly what is regression testing and retesting, and how do they differ? In this blog, we’ll explore these concepts in detail, offering practical insights, tips, and tools to help you apply these techniques effectively.

Understanding Regression Testing

Regression Testing is a type of software testing that aims to ensure that new code changes do not adversely affect the existing functionality of the application. Essentially, it’s about verifying that new updates or fixes haven’t introduced any new bugs or issues in the previously tested parts of the software.

Why Is Regression Testing Important?

  1. Prevents New Bugs: When developers introduce new features or fix bugs, there’s a risk that these changes could unintentionally disrupt existing functionality. Regression testing helps catch these issues early.

  2. Maintains Quality: Regular regression testing ensures that the software remains reliable and continues to meet quality standards throughout its lifecycle.

  3. Saves Time: By catching issues early, regression testing can save significant time and resources that might otherwise be spent fixing bugs later in the development cycle.

When to Perform Regression Testing

  • After Code Changes: Whenever new code is added or existing code is modified, regression testing should be performed to ensure that these changes don’t negatively impact the software.

  • After Bug Fixes: When bugs are fixed, regression testing helps confirm that the fixes haven’t caused new issues.

  • Before Releases: Regression testing is crucial before any new release to ensure that the new version of the software is free from defects that might affect its functionality.

Understanding Retesting

Retesting is a testing practice focused on verifying that specific defects or issues have been fixed. Unlike regression testing, which involves re-running a broad set of test cases to ensure overall functionality, retesting targets specific areas where bugs were identified and fixed.

Why Is Retesting Important?

  1. Confirms Bug Fixes: Retesting verifies that the specific issues reported earlier have been resolved. This ensures that the bug no longer exists and that the fix is effective.

  2. Improves Accuracy: By focusing on specific issues, retesting helps ensure that fixes are accurately implemented and functioning as expected.

  3. Validates Fixes: It confirms that the fixes have not introduced new issues or affected other parts of the application.

When to Perform Retesting?

  • After Bug Fixes: When developers fix a bug, retesting is performed to verify that the specific defect has been resolved.

  • Following Patch Updates: If a software patch is applied to address a specific issue, retesting is essential to confirm that the patch is effective.

  • After Code Reviews: Retesting can be done after code reviews to ensure that any changes suggested during the review process have been correctly implemented.

Key Differences Between Regression Testing and Retesting

While both regression testing and retesting are crucial for maintaining software quality, they serve different purposes:

  • Scope: Regression testing covers a broad scope, re-running previously executed test cases to ensure overall functionality. Retesting focuses specifically on the areas where defects were identified and fixed.

  • Objective: The objective of regression testing is to ensure that new changes haven’t affected existing functionality. Retesting aims to confirm that specific bugs have been fixed.

  • Frequency: Regression testing is often performed more frequently, especially during the development cycle and before releases. Retesting is done as needed, specifically when a defect is fixed.

Best Practices for Regression Testing and Retesting

To make regression testing and retesting more effective, consider the following best practices:

  1. Automate Where Possible: Automation tools can significantly speed up regression testing by re-running test cases efficiently. Tools like Selenium, JUnit, and TestNG are popular choices for automating regression tests.

  2. Prioritize Test Cases: Focus on critical functionality and high-risk areas for regression testing. Prioritizing test cases can help ensure that the most important parts of the application are thoroughly tested.

  3. Maintain an Updated Test Suite: Regularly update your test suite to include new features and functionalities. An outdated test suite may not effectively cover recent changes.

  4. Track Defects Closely: Use defect tracking tools to monitor and manage reported bugs. This ensures that all identified issues are addressed and retested appropriately.

  5. Communicate with Developers: Collaboration between testers and developers is key. Clear communication helps ensure that bug fixes are correctly implemented and that retesting focuses on the right areas.

  6. Perform Exploratory Testing: In addition to formal regression and retesting, exploratory testing can help uncover unexpected issues by testing the application in an ad-hoc manner.

Tools for Regression Testing and Retesting

Here are some tools beyond the commonly mentioned ones that can assist in both regression testing and retesting:

  • Katalon Studio: A powerful test automation tool that supports web, API, mobile, and desktop testing. It offers built-in test case management and integration with various CI/CD tools.

  • TestComplete: A functional testing platform that supports both desktop and mobile applications. It offers a range of features for regression testing, including keyword-driven testing and data-driven testing.

  • Ranorex: A comprehensive test automation tool that provides a user-friendly interface for creating automated tests for desktop, web, and mobile applications. It is known for its strong support for regression testing.

  • Applitools: Specializes in visual testing and monitoring. It helps ensure that the user interface remains consistent across different releases, which is crucial for regression testing.

  • Postman: Primarily used for API testing, Postman allows you to automate API tests and integrate them into your CI/CD pipeline, making it useful for regression testing of API endpoints.

  • Jenkins: While not a testing tool per se, Jenkins is a widely used CI/CD tool that can integrate with various testing tools to automate regression testing as part of the build process.

Comparison Table: Regression Testing vs Retesting

To provide a clearer understanding, here’s a comparison table highlighting the key differences between regression testing and retesting:


Regression Testing



Broad; tests overall functionality

Specific; tests only fixed issues


Ensure new changes don’t affect existing features

Confirm that specific bugs have been fixed


Performed regularly; after code changes or before releases

Performed as needed; after bug fixes or patches

Testing Focus

Entire application or major components

Specific defect or issue


Selenium, JUnit, TestNG, Katalon Studio

TestComplete, Ranorex, Applitools


Often integrated into CI/CD pipelines

Can be integrated into CI/CD but more targeted

Example Scenario

Imagine a software company that recently released a new feature to its customer relationship management (CRM) system. The development team fixes several bugs reported by users, including issues with data synchronization and user interface glitches.

Before releasing the updated version, the QA team performs regression testing to ensure that the new feature hasn’t negatively impacted other parts of the CRM system, such as reporting functions and user authentication. They also conduct retesting to verify that the specific bugs related to data synchronization and UI glitches have been fixed.

By combining regression testing and retesting, the QA team ensures that the updated CRM system is both stable and functional, providing users with a reliable product.

Suggestions and Tips

  • Create a Regression Test Strategy: Develop a strategy that outlines which parts of the application will be tested, how often tests will be performed, and the tools and resources required.

  • Integrate Testing into CI/CD Pipelines: Automate regression testing within your continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipeline to ensure that every code change is tested before deployment.

  • Use Test Data Management Tools: Effective test data management helps ensure that your regression and retesting processes have the right data to work with. Tools like Delphix and Informatica can assist with this.

  • Regularly Review Test Cases: Periodically review and update your test cases to ensure they reflect the current state of the application and address new functionalities and bug fixes.

  • Encourage Collaboration: Foster collaboration between development, testing, and operations teams to ensure that issues are addressed promptly and effectively.


Understanding what regression testing and retesting are, and how they differ, is essential for maintaining software quality. Regression testing ensures that new changes haven’t disrupted existing functionality, while retesting confirms that specific defects have been resolved. By following best practices, utilizing the right tools, and maintaining clear communication, you can effectively apply these testing techniques to deliver high-quality software.

Remember, both regression testing and retesting are integral parts of the software development lifecycle. They help ensure that your application remains robust, reliable, and free from new bugs, ultimately leading to a better user experience and a more successful product.

Check Out Other Resources : Regression Testing, Sanity Testing vs Regression Testing, Smoke vs Sanity vs Regression Testing

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