OWASP ZAP Integration with GitLab CI/CD

Home OWASP ZAP Integration with GitLab CI/CD
OWASP ZAP By: John Abhilash / November 29, 2023

Enhancing Web Application Security: OWASP ZAP Integration with GitLab CI/CD

In today’s dynamic and interconnected world, web applications have become the backbone of many businesses. However, with the increasing complexity of web applications, so does the risk of security vulnerabilities. These vulnerabilities can leave your applications susceptible to attacks, exposing sensitive data and compromising your reputation.

To combat these security threats, Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST) plays a crucial role in identifying and addressing vulnerabilities before they can be exploited. OWASP ZAP, an open-source web application security scanner, is widely used for DAST, providing a comprehensive set of features to scan web applications for vulnerabilities.

Integrating OWASP ZAP with GitLab CI/CD allows you to automate vulnerability scanning into your development pipeline, ensuring that security is considered throughout the entire software development lifecycle. This integration enables you to detect and fix vulnerabilities early on, preventing them from reaching production and potentially causing significant damage.


Before setting up OWASP ZAP for DAST scanning on GitLab CI/CD, ensure you have the following prerequisites in place:

A GitLab account with access to a project

A GitLab Runner with the docker executor installed on a Linux/amd64 machine

A deployed web application that you want to scan

Setting up OWASP ZAP Job for DAST Scanning

Create a .gitlab-ci.yml file

Create a .gitlab-ci.yml file in the root directory of your GitLab project. This file will define the CI/CD pipeline for your project.

Define the DAST job

In the .gitlab-ci.yml file, define a job specifically for DAST scanning. This job will use the OWASP ZAP Docker image to scan your web application.


  stage: dast
  image: owasp/zap2docker-stable
    - zap-automation.sh

Create the zap-automation.sh script

Create a script named zap-automation.sh in the .gitlab-ci.yml directory. This script will execute the OWASP ZAP scan against your web application.



# Set the target URL to scan

# Start ZAP
zap-cli -host -port 8080 &

# Wait for ZAP to start
sleep 10

# Set the context for the scan
zap-cli context new ZAP-Dast-Scan

# Import the context
zap-cli context import ZAP-Dast-Scan context.xml

# Scan the target URL
zap-cli scan.run -u $TARGET_URL

# Generate the report
zap-cli report -f markdown -o report.md

# Stop ZAP
killall zap-api

Running the DAST Scan

  1. Commit and push the .gitlab-ci.yml and zap-automation.sh files to your GitLab repository.
  2. GitLab CI/CD will automatically detect the changes and trigger the DAST job.
  3. Once the job completes, you can find the DAST report in the artifacts section of the job.

Reviewing the DAST Report

The DAST report will provide detailed information about the vulnerabilities found during the scan. Review the report carefully to understand the severity of each vulnerability and take appropriate action to remediate them.

Benefits of Integrating OWASP ZAP with GitLab CI/CD

There are several benefits to integrating OWASP ZAP with GitLab CI/CD:

  1. 1. Automated Vulnerability Detection: By automating the DAST scanning process, you can ensure that your web applications are constantly being scanned for vulnerabilities, even when they are not being actively developed or deployed. This helps you to identify and address vulnerabilities quickly, reducing the risk of them being exploited before they can cause damage
  2. .
  3. 2. Consistent Security Practices: Integrating OWASP ZAP with GitLab CI/CD enforces consistent security practices across all stages of the development lifecycle. This helps to ensure that security is not an afterthought, but rather a core part of the development process.

  4. 3. Early Vulnerability Detection: Identifying vulnerabilities early in the development lifecycle is crucial, as it is significantly less expensive and time-consuming to fix them at the outset. By automating DAST scanning, you can catch vulnerabilities as early as possible, preventing them from being introduced into production.

  5. 4. Improved Security Posture: Integrating OWASP ZAP with GitLab CI/CD can help to improve the overall security posture of your web applications. This can lead to increased customer trust and reduced risk of reputational damage.
  7. 5. Compliance with Security Standards: Many security standards, such as PCI DSS and HIPAA, require organizations to have a robust vulnerability management program in place. Integrating OWASP ZAP with GitLab CI/CD can help you to demonstrate compliance with these standards.
  8. Integrating OWASP ZAP with GitLab CI/CD is an essential step in securing your web applications. By automating DAST scanning and integrating it into your development pipeline, you can proactively identify and address vulnerabilities, improving the security of your applications and protecting your business from potential threats.

    Additional benefits of integrating OWASP ZAP with GitLab CI/CD include:

    Centralized Reporting: The DAST report generated can be centralized and easily accessible for review by all relevant stakeholders.

    Enhanced Collaboration: The integrated workflow enables collaboration between development, security, and operations teams to address vulnerabilities promptly.

    Reduced Manual Work: Automating DAST scanning reduces the manual effort required to identify and address vulnerabilities, saving time and resources.

    By leveraging the power of OWASP ZAP and GitLab CI/CD, you can take a proactive approach to web application security and safeguard your business from the ever-growing threat landscape.

    Visit BootLabs’ website to learn more: https://www.bootlabstech.com/

    External Links:

    1. kops AWS Tutorial:https://kops.sigs.k8s.io/getting_started/aws/
    2. kops Instance Groups:https://kops.sigs.k8s.io/instance_groups/

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